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November 21, 2016

上周公布了第18届年度建筑更好的医疗保健奖的获奖者,AG平台在艾尔郡的Woodland View心理健康和社区设施中获得了最佳心理健康发展奖.

在伦敦的啤酒厂举办,来自NHS和医疗保健行业的500多名嘉宾参加了会议, both IBI Group’s The Oberlands Centre, Guernsey and Morriston Hospital, Swansea picked up Highly Commended awards during the evening.

林地景观方案获得了最佳方案奖 Mental Health Development, in the Building Class. 这个耗资4700万英镑的项目是由承包商Balfour Beatty在今年春天完成的. 林地景观是一家成人急性心理健康和社区设施,专注于为成年人提供心理健康服务,特别是痴呆症护理,同时采用非机构设计, inspired by the surrounding coastal nature.

IBI Group Studio Principal, Emma White said: “对于所有参与设计和建造这个高质量环境的人来说,这是一个了不起的成就. 它将对当地社区的福祉作出重大贡献, 提供一个安全的治疗场所,接待一流的客人, specialist care.”

The awarding judges said: “The design is well considered, bright, and hopeful, 并将对其使用者的心理健康产生积极影响.”

In the Estates & 设施管理类,奥伯兰中心获得 Estates Team of the Year Award.

The judges said: “团队设计了一栋广受好评的建筑,重点关注建筑对服务用户的影响, staff and EFM operatives.”

Lindsay Gibbon, Studio Associate Director said: 我们的客户非常高兴收到 高度赞扬的奖项……他们真的很高兴他们的努力在许多其他来自更大的英国庄园团队的参赛作品中得到认可. 对我们的客户来说,当发展进展顺利并得到同行的认可时,我们会感到非常兴奋.”

Whilst Morriston Hospital was bestowed the 最佳合作艺术项目奖(静态) the Arts co-ordination project.

The Judges described the artwork as “very innovative and thoughtful”, adding “该方案显然植根于新门诊大楼周围的文化和当地历史.”

The BBH Awards recognise excellence, 医疗保健建筑环境中的创新和专业精神, looking specifically at building design, the patient environment, people, products and estates and facilities management. 今年,该奖项共收到26个类别的190个参赛作品.

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