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面对不确定的未来, 发展的需要比以往任何时候都更加迫切. 我们正面临着挑战, 作为专业人士, 找到改进我们参与过程的方法, 客户关系, 工作区和, 更广泛地说, 我们城市空间的形式.




没有比现在更好的时间来考虑我们的城市如何, 以及我们设计它们的方式, 必须适应我们生活的不断变化的世界吗. 面对不确定的未来, 发展的需要比以往任何时候都更加迫切,我们正面临着挑战, 作为专业人士, 找到改进我们参与过程的方法, 客户关系, 工作区和, 更广泛地说, 我们城市空间的形式. 无论是技术的快速发展和整合, 社会和经济健康的变化, 或者新的社会趋势, 现在的问题不再是我们应该如何设计, 而是我们如何为模棱两可的未来规划我们的城市.

虽然没有办法准确预测我们的世界将走向何方, 很明显,未来几年我们的社会将越来越依赖科技. 虽然在我们的城市里有很多技术应用, 以下的潜在用途和好处将进一步探讨, 谈到了AG平台在成功创建智慧城市方面的丰富经验.


在一个快速变化和技术发展的世界, AG平台认识到有必要对此作出回应, 并利用, 颠覆性技术发展面向未来的社区. 新技术, 包括人工智能, 无人机和自动驾驶汽车, 在别人, are continually in the process of development and will soon become an integral part of our communities. 像这样, we are always looking for ways to shift the perception of technology from a “futuristic” part of our urban environments, 我们日常生活的无缝衔接. Using a human-centric design approach allows us to ensure that the addition of technology not only enhances the design process, 但允许更有效的设计和全面的公众参与, 同时创造环境,提高与他们互动的公民的生活质量.

技术可以为创造一种地方感提供好处, 高效的社区功能和弹性. 我们的技术应用于 布巴内斯瓦尔,印度,标志着我们屡获殊荣的努力,以创造技术为先的社区. 布巴内斯瓦尔被设计成一个综合性的智慧城市, applying technology from the start to offer holistic community engagement that informed smart design. Among the many features of this smart city was the creation of a unique and responsive operational control centre for real-time incident management and service delivery improvements for the city’s transit and utility operations. The use of integrated control centres in cities offers the opportunity to manage and analyze various city-wide and individual functions efficiently to ensure a community both functions at capacity, 并满足其公民的日常需求. Technology and real-time data collection within IBI-designed smart communities will allow communities to adapt and function in the most efficient way, 确保市民体验舒适便捷.

Technology can also provide benefits such as the creation of a distinct sense of place through smart wayfinding, 公共艺术, smart phone community applications and the unique ability to market oneself as a tech-forward and smart city.


除了我们今天正在目睹的社会和经济变化之外, 通过使用技术来缓解环境挑战也是至关重要的. 气候变化和环境退化是我们面临的最严峻的生态挑战, 我们可以利用科技来更好地管理我们的资源, to track and maintain environmental initiatives and to create accountability for our ecological footprint. 数字战略,如智能能源解决方案和照明, green energy creation and smart waste and water management through online applications and sensor-based technologies can help ensure that our cities are efficiently using our resources. Resilience can also be fostered through the use of technologies that can help maintain our resources and track climatic changes that could have the potential to damage cities and their resources. Applications deployed city-wide can also help residents track their consumption patterns and set goals to reduce their ecological impact. 我们在 洪都拉斯的圣佩德罗苏拉 这是另一个提高生活质量的战略性智慧城市规划的主要例子吗. 通过这个聪明的总体规划项目, the city aims to become more resilient and intelligent; a city that is competitive and prepared for change in the coming years.

在那些大变革既受欢迎又可行的地方, AG平台利用我们的智能流程和技术方法,通过我们的产品 智慧城市平台, IBI Quantum, 通知, 和CurbIQ,不仅优化设计过程, but design places that leverage technologies and provide a citizen experience that is unparalleled. Bringing light to the game-changing technologies we are developing in-house will be important to ensuring our clients recognize the added value technology can bring to transforming their communities.


科技在我们的城市中是一个强大的工具, 它也会损害“人情味”。, 应该平衡对待. The evolution of smart cities must be leveraged responsibly to ensure that they are still accessible, 所有公民都能负担得起并包容, 无论社会经济地位和对技术的熟悉程度如何. 在初期参与城市建设项目所必需的, this balance should be sought through the provision of a variety of consultation options that cater to the different members of a community. This will allow all stakeholders to have an opportunity to participate in the planning of their community in ways that best suit their individual strengths and challenges. 此外, 在我们城市的设计中, while the efficiencies offered by technological approaches may tempt one to rely solely on software-based design and applications, 同样重要的是,设计要考虑人的方面. The computational design of cities has the shortcoming of being too utilitarian or neglecting to understand how humans actually interact with their spaces.

以确保我们的城市仍然宜居和充满活力, tech-based design solutions should be paired with a human understanding of creating places in which people actually want to live, 工作和娱乐. 最后, 在创建智能城市的过程中,在日常生活中积极利用技术, creating spaces to connect with nature and escape our digital world is also essential to deriving this balance. 除了, 技术只应以实际和有效的方式加以整合, 而不是多余的和肤浅的, 确保人们能很容易地体验到这些好处,并确保技术的整合不会白费.

It is clear that technology has the power to drastically change and actively shape our communities and cities moving forward. 在AG平台, 我们努力负责任地将技术融入我们充满活力的设计中, 宜居和包容的空间,希望定义未来的城市.

阿施施Ghate是副主任, Placemaking 在IBI, 并以国际部门负责人的身份监督国际区域, 基础设施. 他负责业务增长, 团队激励和专业发展, 同时注重我们在全球各办事处和部门之间的紧密合作. Ashish also serves as the first point of contact for Buildings-sector work within the International region.

Ashish graduated with a Master’s degree in 城市规划 from McGill University in 2006 after completing his Bachelor of 体系结构. He has worked on a variety of award-winning regional planning; transit-oriented-development; master planning, 城市设计和土地利用规划项目横跨北方, 中南美洲, 中东, 东欧, 和印度. Ashish applies his unique understanding of contextually-appropriate design that embraces the local culture and design excellence, 同时对世界各地的社区产生影响.


写的 阿施施Ghate
