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Transit Architecture in the COVID-19 Era


By and


July 8, 2020

随着各国政府和过境机构大力应对COVID-19, 迅速和广泛地改变城市环境的必要性是显而易见的. 交通设计师有责任从整体上考虑这种改变的需要, 并以改善后代健康和安全的方式改造建筑环境.

虽然城市地区传统上被视为经济和环境进步的典范, 它们还在高度传染性疾病的迅速传播中发挥核心作用, including COVID-19. Subway systems, 公交网络和火车站构成了现代城市格局, 以及城市适应变化和应对公共卫生危机的能力, now and in future, depends largely on the resiliency of these systems. 以下设计元素可以改善公共交通的功能和安全性:

  1. A simplified and streamlined station experience: 消除不必要的交易和高触点表面, while providing new kinds of station amenities, including screening areas and sanitizing stations.
  2. 灵活和有弹性的空间,允许运输操作的敏捷性: designing for multiple scenarios, 并最大限度地利用内部和外部空间,以保持物理距离,并加强筛查/售票.
  3. 采用新的安全和卫生标准的车站建筑; analysis of station capacity, improved air quality, antimicrobial surfaces, 增强的标识既支持常规交通运营,也支持潜在的紧急模式.

In the wake of past pandemics, city-builders, 设计师和规划者接受了改造公共基础设施的挑战,以创造更安全、更有活力的城市. 作为设计师,我们的下一个任务是在重新思考交通环境的同时延续这一传统.

Read Charlie and Welland’s extended guide. 

10 Transportation Design Solutions for the COVID-19 Era

查理·黄是一位有20年经验的建筑师. Over his career, 他建立了一系列令人印象深刻的获奖交通项目,其中包括地面车站(坎伯兰湾站), Victoria Park Station), underground stations (Ottawa LRTEglinton LRT(TTC Finch和Union)和服务大楼(eeb、第二出口和维护设施). His responsibilities span all project phases including architectural design; project and design management; client relations; development of functional layouts and design concepts; value engineering; technical advisory and code compliance coordination between consultants, city officials, and third parties.

韦兰是一名建筑师,在大型公共交通项目方面拥有超过10年的经验. Prior to joining IBI Group, Welland gained a diverse background in architecture, 毕业于麦吉尔大学,在多伦多和蒙特利尔的公司工作. Within IBI Group’s Transit Architecture Studio, Welland has played a key role on projects in Israel, Canada and the United States. 在特拉维夫和多伦多办事处的工作使韦兰拥有了全球视角, 通过独特的设计约束和不同的施工方法获得第一手经验. With local experience in multiple jurisdictions, Welland将他作为团队领导者和设计师的技能运用到项目的各个阶段.

Headshot of Charlie Hoang

Written by Charlie Hoang

Director | Transit Architecture Lead, Buildings
Toronto, ON
Headshot of Welland Sin

Written by Welland Sin

Associate Director | Practice Lead, Architecture
Toronto, ON
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